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Wellness Exams, Sick Exams & Check Ups

Open Saturdays and Sundays!

vet performing a dog wellness exam.  looking into eyes of dog.

Pet Urgent Care is here to ensure your pet is healthy and happy!  We offer comprehensive pet check ups.  These check ups are most often referred to as wellness exams.  But if you're pet is sick, you might hear people refer to these as sick exams or medical exams.  Either way, we provide your pet with immediate and convenient veterinary care on your terms. 

Wellness Exams for a Lifetime of Optimal Health

With our comprehensive wellness exams, you can rest assured that your beloved companion is in the absolute best hands. Remember, early detection and prevention are key to a happy and healthy life for your pet!

There are many benefits to taking your pet in for annual wellness exams, including:

  • Early Detection: Many diseases can be treated more effectively and successfully if they are caught early. Annual wellness exams give our veterinarians a chance to check for any signs of disease, even if your pet is not showing any symptoms.
  • Prevention: Our veterinarians can also help you prevent diseases by recommending vaccines, parasite prevention, and other preventive care measures based on your pet's medical history and individual needs.
  • Peace of Mind: As pets age, they are more likely to develop health problems. Annual wellness exams give us a chance to monitor your pet's health over time and identify any changes that may be a sign of a problem.
  • Relationship: If you have a regular vet, that's great!  We will electronically submit all of the records from your visit to you and/or your primary care veterinarian, including your pet's physical exam, laboratory results, diagnostic images, treatment plan, and a copy of your discharge instructions.  If you don't have a regular vet, you may find that our walk-in clinic meets your veterinary care needs.   

Wellness exams, often referred to as pet checkups, are pivotal in ensuring your furry friend's health and longevity. Much like humans need regular doctor visits, our pets need their checkups too. At Pet Urgent Care, we offer a thorough examination to catch potential issues early and ensure your pet's well-being.

What to Expect During Your Wellness Visit:

  • Physical Examination: Checking the pet's overall health, from nose to tail. Your vet will assess your dog's gait, alertness, body and muscle condition, inspect hair and skin for abnormalities, examine the eyes, ears, nose, face, and review teeth and gums for any dental issues or ulcers.
  • General Health Discussion: We will inquire about your dog's exercise, water intake, breathing, behavior, habits, elimination patterns, lifestyle, and overall health.
  • Vaccinations: Updating necessary vaccines based on age and health.
  • Parasite Prevention: Checking for signs of fleas, ticks, and worms. Offering preventive measures.
  • Dietary Consultation: Discussing the pet's diet and suggesting necessary changes.

Diagnostic Exams for Sick Pets

We're also here for times when you pet is ill or injured and you need immediate or urgent veterinary care.  We're here for you and your pet extended-hours and on Saturday and Sunday! 

Immediate diagnostic evaluations are essential for sick or injured pets to identify the appropriate treatment. While issues like fractures, lacerations, or heatstroke might be evident, other ailments such as vomiting and diarrhea can stem from various causes. Since pets cannot communicate their feelings, a thorough check-up encompassing all health aspects is necessary. Utilizing X-rays, monitoring vital signs, lab tests, and observing pet behavior are key in pinpointing the exact issue. This allows us to provide the necessary treatments to aid your pet's recovery.

Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms we treat:

Need a wellness or sick exam?

Walk in today or book an appointment!

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